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06.10.2014, 20:54 | #1 |
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Откуда: Москва Авто: BMW e39 528 Есть клубные рамки | дооснащение ЖК-приборкой 6WB
Инструкция о дооснащению расширенной ЖК приборкой (6WB) X5 F15. Требуется умение работы с Esys. Необходимые инструменты: You will need a PAIR of really skinny screwdrivers that are thin enough to get through the second to last notches and long enough to reach the gold spring latches of the cluster inside and be able to hook/pull them down really hard away from the interior of the vehicle housing. This can be quite difficult/annoying at first, but keep trying. You really have to pull hard and do this simultaneously - the gold latches actually have a slot that they are just slid/mounted into; so, if you pull hard enough and down, they will give way and just slide right out of this slot; only do this if the cluster isn't popping out easily. To avoid too much pulling/strength, I bought this Mercedes cluster kit because no tiny screwdriver that I had in my toolbox worked to pull the cluster apart from the cluster housing: Шаг 1 (кодирование): Добавьте 6WB в FA с помощью ESYS - Add 6WB to your FA in the SALAPA folder following the VO Coding Guide: Шаг 2: Установка приборной панели 6WB - Turn AC POWER ON (one button push), put steering wheel all the way towards you and all the way down and turn AC POWER OFF. The steering wheel begins to move so quickly stop it and put it all the way down and all the way out - you usually have a 1 minute time period where you can quickly adjust your steering wheel to whatever setting before it shuts completely down. This is so you have space to remove the cluster properly because it is a tight space. 1) Снимите пластик вокруг своей старой приборки. It's pretty easy. Start at the left side and pull from the lower end if you can get your fingers in there. If you can't, you can just pull the bottom/base part and start working your way to one side and then go to the other side. Pull it out straight. Don't try funny angles because you don't want to bend/break the plastic piece that goes into the openings. Так выглядит приборка после снятия пластиковой окантовки: 2) As mentioned earlier in the Tools section, you must use two long rods or skinny screwdrivers at the same time to pull down the gold latches. Here's a youtube video to give you the basic idea: You have to put the tools through the 2nd to last openings on each side (this is the location of the gold latches). Here's a screwdriver (didn't work for me because it had no hooks and was too thick to get in between the housing and the gold latches) going through the second to last notch. You can either pull down this way if you can get in between the latch and the inner housing of your BMW, but I recommend driving a hook tool through the gold latch holes and pull them down all the way. Do whatever method works for you the easiest. 3) The best way to start removing the cluster properly after the top has popped out is to push the bottom piece in so those plastic clasps unhook out of their sockets and slowly wiggle it side to side or however best you think to remove it. Then, unplug the two wires (black/green and rainbow) by pressing their clasps outward and remove them from the original cluster. The black/green wire is connected into the cluster with an extra white plastic rivet that you just need to pull out with force and you can push it back into the new cluster when you install the wiring. You should then slide the original cluster to the left side because this has more space (I did this with my DOOR OPEN to make it easier). 4) Проводка: There are two wires attached to your cluster. One is a rainbow 12 pin tiny hole wire known as the M.O.S.T. wire (Shawn called it this) and the other is a black/green wire with two larger pin holes. They each have their own individual slot in the 6WA cluster (my original cluster). The 6WB cluster (new cluster) has one large single slot. When you unplug them, you must take off their little plastic adapter covers (pictured above with covers on): 1) Rainbow plug: to remove this plastic cover, simple pull the little tab/clasp and slide it out. 2) Black/Green plug: to remove this plastic cover, simply pull the little tab on the top outward and pull it right out. Plastic cover that was slid off from the Rainbow plug: Both plastic covers removed: The 6WB cluster has ONE SINGLE LARGE slot that requires an adapter to fit both wires in it together. Bimmer-Tech is supposed to provide this for your for free. Make sure they include when you purchase from them - call them or note it down in your order comments - use my pictures if you need to. They forgot mine so I had to wait a few days until they did 2 day shipping from Poland to Maryland. 6WB Adapter: the two wires must first connect into this adapter (the black/green wire goes straight in, but the rainbow wire has to slide in the same way it was removed before - you will hear both of them snap into place). Then, you plug the large adapter plug straight into the 6WB cluster slot. As I mentioned earlier above, the black/green wire has a white plastic rivet attachment that snaps into a hole in the current cluster. Remove it by pulling. It should come out without breaking because it's pretty tough. This is just to keep this wire secure. Plug it back into the same hole in the 6WB cluster. You can see this plastic attachment in the third picture below. It is in the top middle area of the picture with an arrow/screw like appearance. 5) After you've connected the wires into the 6WB cluster, pop it right in by pushing in the bottom first and then slowly push in the top so that the gold latches go in and the whole cluster snaps into place. 6) Put the plastic cover that you removed at the beginning back on. It may seem a little difficult but just line it up with the bottom first and push in from the left side first and work your way around and push the top skinny pieces in last. Everything should "snap" into place. ШАГ 3 (кодирование): Now that we have successfully installed the 6WB cluster, we must do the final coding for the CAFD to be recognized since it does not exist yet. Turn your car AC POWER on. Do not be alarmed, you will see some error regarding your Cluster in the Idrive saying you need to take it to the dealer to update. This is normal because the CAFD does not exist yet for the 6WB to be recognized by your vehicle. To fix this, we must now inject our new CAFD via these steps and VO Code DKOMBI within ESYS: Connect => Read FA (VO) => Activate FA (VO) => Read ECU (VCM) => Left-Click on DKombi => Click on "Detect CAF for SWE" (on the right side menu buttons) => Select the CAFD from latest I-Level (for me this was F025-14-07-502 because I had PSDZData files 53.0. I was then given a list of about 7-10 CAFDs that were all similar in number. You must choose the one that is the latest and has to match your I-Level located on the lower right box in ESYS). For me, I chose the latest version of the folder, and then chose the one that was similar to my I-Level) => Select OK => Right-Click on DKombi (the Dkombi folder itself not the underlying CAFD) => Select CODE. That's it. Just to be safe, you should use External Applications > External Application > Transmitter > Clear All DTCs (last line in this list) to clear whatever random little codes that pop up. For me, I had chasis malfunction and the classic time and date error. Chasis malfunction goes away after you clear the codes and turn off your car and start the engine. Date and Time obviously is fixed within the iDrive in Settings by unchecking and rechecking Automatic Time. Решение некоторых возникших проблем: Навигация на приборной панели: If for some reason your navigation directions do not pop up, VO Code HU_NBT folder. It should pop up with this, but if it still does not, then fdl code KOMBI_CIC: change from kombi_mid to kombi_high. This is located in HU_NBT. Если высвечивается ошибка Brake Fluid Since 12/2001 или подобная: I got this annoying 12/2001 date issue for the brakes. TO FIX: You leave your door open, hit AC POWER on (hit start once), and then hold the Kombi button (little button on the instrument left corner). It will take you straight to the CBS menu and display out of the services, whichever needs to be reset. I reset it by holding the option and then was able to keep tapping to view the other services and when they will be needed as shown also in the iDrive > Vehicle Info > Service. Now, all are green OKs . Старая и новая приборки: Результат: Когда зажигание выключено и открыта дверь, вы увидите такую подсветку: Comfort Mode in Night Mode (I had Auto for the headlight knob on): Comfort Mode in Day Mode (I had Auto for the headlight knob off): Режим Eco-Pro: Режим Sport: The brightness of the panel can also be control with your Odometer brightness wheel to the left of the steering wheel. I have it set to Max in my pics, but I might adjust it later. Also, the MPH that we code in the BC side button is now stock in the 6WB so you can view your MPH as you flip through it. You can also code this straight into the Digital cluster circle by doing this coding in DKombi: (thanks to shawnsheridan) DIGITAL_TACHO_ENABLE = change to mph_mph. This will make the MPH appear in all three modes within the circle at the 12 o'clock position:
__________________ Чат по кодированию, программированию, дооснащению BMW в Telegram: BMW INPA | BMW ICOM | BMW Scanner | Ключи BMW | BMW CAN filter (cic retrofit adapter) | Отключение BMW EGR / DPF | Ноутбуки для диагностики Сканеры для диагностики BMW Инструкции, мануалы к БМВ бесплатно BMW & MINI: TIS, ЕТК, ЕТМ, KSD, WDS, DIS, EBA и другие полезные программы |
07.01.2015, 22:06 | #2 |
Новичок Регистрация: 07.01.2015
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Откуда: Москва Авто: x5 |
А вы сами не устанавливаете данный сабж? Интересует цена именно жк + установка, все под ключ! Спасибо!
11.01.2016, 21:08 | #3 |
Новичок Регистрация: 11.01.2016
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Откуда: Ростов на Дону Авто: F15 |
И я хочу знать цену с установкой,Спасибо!
26.07.2017, 14:28 | #4 |
Новичок Регистрация: 26.07.2017
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Откуда: г. Калуга |
А только я фотографий не вижу или у всех так ?
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