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установка пружин H&R

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Старый 08.10.2012, 12:05 #1
Аватар для Tyler
Регистрация: 07.09.2008
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Откуда: Москва
Авто: BMW e39 528
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По умолчанию установка пружин H&R

Фотоотчет от американцев... Установка пружин H&R на 535i F10

Front suspension

Remove sway bar link and move it out of the way

Remove lower shock bolt

Remove strut mount nuts

Remove strut by pressing down on the aluminum arm and maneuver the strut out of the control arm. You'll need a buddy for this step. This step was a bit challenging but it is possible to remove the strut without removing any additional components.

Here's the stock front strut

Swap springs by using spring compressor to compress spring. Swap spring out with H&R. Sorry no pics of this step.

Rear Suspension

Access rear shock mount nuts by removing rear speaker grills and speakers. You'll need a stubby swivel socket wrench and a torx bit.

Remove shock mount nuts

Remove lower shock mount bolt

You'll notice that the shock won't come out since many components are blocking it's way out. I found that if you remove the following components, you'll be able to remove the shock:

Swap over H&R Springs

Comparison of stock spring to H&R spring

Button everything up to Bentley torque specs and let the suspension settle for a few weeks before aligning. Will post after pics shortly. Good luck!!!

Also, if you are in so-cal and are too lazy to do the spring install yourself. PM me and I'll refer you to my buddy who helped me with the install. We knocked this out in about 3 hours.
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