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замена кожуха зеркала (установка M-performance)

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Старый 28.10.2012, 23:09 #1
Аватар для Tyler
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По умолчанию замена кожуха зеркала (установка M-performance)

Замена кожуха зеркала (установка M-performance) на BMW F30

BMW's OEM carbon is always top notch and their new carbon mirror caps for the F30/F20 are no different. Full carbon custruction with an OEM plastic bracket epoxied to the back side so it can mount as close to factory as possible. Their isnt much weight savings, but this is primarily a style part anyway. It does the job well. We had these on order for stock for some time, and they just came in this week.

These were a little different than the usual E9X ones we had done where they replicated all the oem clips in plastic and it was simple snap out, snap in process. These F30 ones require a little more work and the OEM instructions are extremely limited.

Since we offer these to our customers i thought it was a good idea to do a step by step photo shoot of the install and some breif instuctions. Enjoy!

Grab and pull the oem cap off starting from the top edge, then pull straight out

Tilt the mirror lense up as much as possible, then using a plastic panel tool or similar pull the lense outware at a slight upward motion

Youll see the wires for the mirror lense/heating element. They do not need to be unclipped if you rest it on the window sil

3 tabs that are located where the oem cap clips in

Push in and break off the 3 tabs

Put the mirror cap on the front side making sure it rests in the little catches

New holes for the mounting screws and washers to go into

3 bolts, 3 washers

Fasten til snug with a torx driver

Installed hardware, clip mirror back in so that its orientated with the plastic receivers

Front finished view

Side finished view
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Сказал Спасибо Tyler за это сообщение:
Dmitry M (26.07.2013)


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