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Рестайлинг (2014) BMW 3 F30 / F31 / F34

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Старый 21.10.2013, 13:30 #1
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По умолчанию Рестайлинг (2014) BMW 3 F30 / F31 / F34

Рестайлинг (2014) BMW 3 F30

BMW 3 серия F30, 3 серия F31 и 3 серия F34 Gran Turismo: теперь комплектуются iDrive 4.2 с тачпадом.

320i, 328i и 335i:
В рестайлинге (2014) следующее входит в стандартную комлектацию:
  • Sport leather steering wheel
  • Dark Burl Walnut wood trim
  • BMW Assist eCall
  • BMW TeleServices
xDrive intelligent all-wheel drive is available on the 320i, 328i and 335i

A 6-speed manual transmission is available as a no cost option in the 320i, 328i, 335i and 335i xDrive models.

В рестайлинге линии дизайна Modern Line больше не будет. Линейка моделей будет состоять теперь из: Sport Line, Luxury Line и M Sport. Other Line changes include:
  • Fineline Anthracite wood trim (4CE) is now a no-charge option on Sport Line
  • Dakota leather Everest Grey is discontinued on Sport Line

328d и 328d xDrive:
Starting production in July 2013 and available for sale upon arrival, the 328d Sedan is the latest addition to the Diesel line-up that BMW has launched in North America. For the first time in the US, the 3 Series is offered with a 4-cylinder TwinPower Turbo Diesel engine.

This 2.0 liter engine (N47) puts out 180 hp and 280 lb-ft of torque available from 1,750 rpm. The combination of the TwinPower Turbo Diesel engine, 8-speed automatic transmission and the BMW EfficientDynamics program – including but not limited to Auto-Start Stop, Brake Energy Regeneration and optimized aerodynamics – allows the 328d Sedan to return up to 45 estimated mpg highway (328d xDrive up to 40 estimated mpg highway).

Compared to the 328i, the 328d Sedan differentiates itself through its:
  • Badging
  • Single chromed exhaust pipe with fitted rear-bumper
  • Specific front air dam cover
The 328d Sedan will mirror the standard equipment of the 328i Sedan. For MY 2014, the following features are standard:
  • Sport leather steering wheel
  • Dark Burl Walnut wood trim
  • BMW Assist eCall
  • BMW TeleServices

Active-Hybrid 3:

For MY 2014, the following features are standard:
  • Sport leather steering wheel
BMW TeleServices and BMW eCall are optional on this model for MY14. Both options will be offered in combination with the optional Navigation System (609) and Technology Package (ZTP).

3 Series Sports Wagon
The 3 Series Sports Wagon is available as a 328i xDrive or a 328d xDrive with an 8-speed automatic transmission.

3 Series Gran Turismo
The 3 Series Sports Wagon is available as a 328i xDrive or a 335i xDrive with an 8-speed automatic transmission.

3 Series Coupe and Convertible
There won’t be a 2014 3 Series Coupe and Convertible in the US market, production of the 3 Series Coupe ends in June 2013 while the 3 Series Convertible will be produced until October 2013.
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