20.02.2011, 19:42
#15 |
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Откуда: Москва Авто: BMW e39 528 Есть клубные рамки |
Reason 1: If the external table T_GRTB.prg doesn’t exist in the directory C:\EDIABAS\ECU\
the error message will be displayed when You execute the job
IDENT_FUNKTIONAL of a functional SGBD.
Solution 1: You have to download the external table using the ECCO Web Export and copy it
in the directory C:\EDIABAS\ECU\.
Reason 2: The SGBD, which You want to start doesn’t exist in the directory
C:\EDIABAS\ECU or is an old one.
Solution 2: You have to download the SGBD using the ECCO Web Client and copy it in the
directory C:\EDIABAS\ECU\.
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