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Старый 18.05.2011, 11:31 #10
Аватар для Tyler
Регистрация: 07.09.2008
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Откуда: Москва
Авто: BMW e39 528
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Сообщение от mihhail Посмотреть сообщение
М52...я понимаю..что модель..но что означает сие 52?
Это вопрос из той же серии, что означает 39 в е39 и т.п.

Немного не в тему, но, может, интересно:

An "M" means that the engine has been developed by BMW, while an "S" means that it's an M-engine modified for extra performance by BMW Motorsport. Following the letter is a number that identifies the model. BMW usually specifies the engine designation followed by the engine capacity, as the M52B25 is the 2.5-liter version of the M52. The "B" in M52B25 stands for "Benzin", the German word for petrol (UK) or gasoline (USA), whereas a Diesel engine would use the code "D". Finally, sometimes you will see an engine code with a suffix, as the M06 is also known as the M30B25V with the V meaning "Vergasser" or Carburetor.
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mihhail (18.05.2011)