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Старый 23.10.2012, 00:37 #1
Аватар для Tyler
Регистрация: 07.09.2008
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Откуда: Москва
Авто: BMW e39 528
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По умолчанию установка черных усов в бампер

Установка черных усов в бампер BMW F30

1. Take a look at the new whiskers and locate the clips. there are two on the passenger side and three on the drivers.

Passenger Side:

Drivers Side:

Pass Side Demonstration:

2. Slowly apply pressure to the whisker to pull down and pop the clip against the fog light. (you can use the screwdriver/plastic remover to help pop the tab off)

3. Now reach into the bumper behind the where the whisker attaches to the bumper, it's hollow.

4. Referring back to the whisker not yet installed, notice how the clip is configured. It is easy to reach with your finger and press down on the clip and then slowly work the whisker out of place.

*Note that you may need to apply a fair amount of pressure to work the whisker out of place, just have patience on this cause you don't want to snap the clip or the larger insert.*

5. now line up the new whisker and press. simple as that.

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