Кому интересно - докладываю:
Шнурок купил новый
Переустановил INPA и все заработало
С магнитолой разобрался. Вот что нужно сделать:
Чтоб системные звуки воспроизводились через штатную аудиосистему:
To anyone doing this, I’m assuming an understanding of the basics of using NCS the FSW_PSW.TRC & .MAN files, so if you don’t know how to read and manipulate those, there are plenty of other sources on learning that stuff first. But for the actual coding of the different gong, the instructions are below.
1. Use NCSExpert to read the KOMBI module.
2. Open the FSW_PSW.TRC file with Notepad
3. Find the line HU_VERBAUT (there may be a number after verbaut, but it is the only line in the .TRC file with HU_VERBAUT, so just search the file for that) – this tells the cluster what Head Unit is installed
4. The value should be radiostufe_2 (or could be radiostufe_1 outside of the US) – radiostufe_2 is for BMW Professional Radio & I believe radiostufe_1 would be for BMW Business Radio in other countries
5. Change the value to radiostufe_3_4
6. Save the file as the FSW_PSW.MAN file (make sure it saves as a .MAN file, don’t let notepad add the .txt extension to the file when you save it)
7. Use NCS to code the KOMBI module with the new .MAN file
8. Close NCS, remove cable, remove key, lock the car, and give it a couple seconds
9. Unlock and you should now have the new gong tone
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