По просьбам трудящихся.
2712 - DM-TL magnetic valve: Final Stage
2715 - Lambda probe-heating before KAT cylinderbank 2: Final Stage
2716 - Lambda probe-heating after KAT cylinderbank 1: Final Stage
2717 - Lambda probe-heating after KAT cylinderbank 2: Final Stage
2718 - Crankshaft possition sensor: reference point
2719 - Crankshaft possition sensor: periode time
271A - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 1: signal not plausible
271C - Lambda probe after KAT cylinderbank 1: signal not plausible
271D - Lambda probe-heating before KAT cylinderbank 1: Final Stage
271F - Lambda probe-aeging cylinderbank 1: periode time
2720 - Lambda probe-aeging cylinderbank 1: swich time
2721 - Lambda probe-vaeging after KAT cylinderbank 1
2722 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 2: signal not plausible
2724 - Lambda probe after KAT cylinderbank 2: signal not plausible
2725 - Lambda probe-aeging cylinderbank 2: periode time
2726 - Lambda probe-aeging cylinderbank 2: swich time
2727 - Lambda probe-aeging after KAT cylinderbank 2
2734 - Throttle valve pot. 1: signal not plausible in reference with HFM sensor
2735 - Throttle valve pot. 2: signal not plausible in reference with HFM sensor
2737 - EWS 3.3 manipulation protection
2738 - KAT conversion cylinderbank 1
273D - KAT conversion cylinderbank 2
2740 - Throttle valve sensor 1: Power Supply
2741 - Throttle valve sensor 2: Power Supply
2742 - Recognition missing : cylinder 1
2743 - Recognition missing : cylinder 5
2744 - Recognition missing : cylinder 3
2745 - Recognition missing : cylinder 6
2746 - Recognition missing : cylinder 2
2747 - Recognition missing : cylinder 4
274E - Recognition missing : multiple cylinders
2750 - Throttle valve position regulator : blocked for a short time
2751 - Throttle valve position regulator : blocked
2752 - Throttle valve sensor pot. : signal 2 / signal 1 ratio
2753 - Coil cylinder 1
2754 - Coil cylinder 5
2755 - Coil cylinder 3
2756 - Coil cylinder 6
2757 - Coil cylinder 2
2758 - Coil cylinder 4
2760 - Secundaire-air system
2761 - Secundaire-air system
2762 - Secundaire-air valve
2764 - Relay secundaire-air pump: Final Stage
2765 - Secundair air valve: Final Stage
2766 - Camshaft sensor 1: signal time
2767 - Camshaft sensor 2: signal time
2768 - Camshaft sensor 1: fase position
276C - Camshaft sensor 2: fase position
276D – Fuel tanl ventilation system
2770 - Secundaire-air flow sensor
2772 - Fuel tanl ventilation valve : Final Stage
2777 - DME-selftest: signal not plausible
2778 - Clutsch swicth : signal not plausible
2779 - DME-selftest: RAM
2783 - Air flow sensor with HFM
2786 - Throttle valve potentiometer 1
2787 - Throttle valve potentiometer 2
2788 – Vehicle speed
278C - Intake air temperature sensor
278D - Temperature sensor radiator output
278F - Dynamo: activation to low
2794 - Stel engine from throttle valve
2796 - Throttle valve : adaptation values faulty
279B - Thermostat refrence field : blocked
279C - Thermostat refrence field : Final Stage
279D - Koel ventilator : Final Stage
279E - Output throttle valve : Final Stage
27A0 - E-box ventilator : Final Stage
27A1 - Throttle valve : starttest
27A4 - Interface EWS 3.3 – DME
27A5 - Throttle valve : new adaptation nessessary
27A6 - Injection valve cylinder 1
27A7 - Injection valve cylinder 5
27A8 - Injection valve cylinder 3
27A9 - Injection valve cylinder 6
27AA - Injection valve cylinder 2
27AB - Injection valve cylinder 4
27B2 - Brake light switch : signal not plausible
27B4 – Ambient pressure sensor
27B5 - Input krankshaft regulation cylinderbank 1: Final Stage
27B6 - Input krankshaft regulation cylinderbank 2: Final Stage
27B7 - Fuel pump relay : final stage
27B9 - Lambda probe cylinderbank 1: voltage change to slow
27BA - Lambda probe cylinderbank 2: voltage change to slow
27BD - Outpunt camshaft regulation cylinderbank 1: Final Stage
27C2 - Airco compressor regulation: Final Stage
27C3 - Thermical oil level sensor
27C4 – Main Relay
27C5 - Brake light switch: signal not plausible
27C7 - Main Relay: switch time
27CA - DM-TL pump engine : Final Stage
27CC - DM-TL: smal leak
27CD - DM-TL: module control
27CF - Ignition cylinder 1
27D0 - Ignition cylinder 5
27D1 – Ignition cylinder 3
27D2 - Ignition cylinder 6
27D3 - Ignition cylinder 2
27D4 - Ignition cylinder 4
27D5 - Idle speed regulation
27D6 - Idle speed regulation: Final Stage - position closed
27D7 - Idle speed regulation: Final Stage - position open
27D9 - DM-TL heating: Final Stage
27DA - BSD-dynamo
27DB - Throttle- and brake pedal: signal not plausible
27DC -EWS 3.3 code storage
27DD - Coolant temperature : gradient
27DE - Coolant temperature: signal not plausible
27DF - Coolant temperature : signal
27E0 - Krankshaft position sensor: segment adaptation limit
27E2 - Knock sensor 1
27E3 - Knock sensor 2
27EB - CAN message EGS 2
27EC - CAN message EGS 1
27F7 - Throttle valve position sensor potentiometer 1
27F8 - Throttle valve position sensor potentiometer 2
27F9 - Start automaat: Final Stage
27FB - Intake air system : Final Stage
27FC – Ignition error
2800 - CAN message : instrument cluster 2
2801 - Idle speed : to high
2803 - Idle speed regulation : mech. Problem
2804 - MFC mutifunctional steeringwheel: vehicle speed request
2805 - MFC mutifunctional steeringwheel: signal
2806 - MFC mutifunctional steeringwheel: data exchage timeout
2807 - Throttle valve position sensor pot. : signal 1 / signal 2 ratio
2808 - Throttle valve position sensor pot. : ratio error
2809 - CAN message instrument cluster 3
280B - CAN message ASC 1
280C - CAN message ASC 3
280D - CAN message LWS
280E - CAN message SMG 1
2811 - Local-CAN: bus off
2812 – Oil temperature
281A - CAN message TXU
281B - CAN message EKP
281C - Bit data port : signal not plausible
281D - BSD-generator: signal not plausible
281E - Intake air system : Final Stage
2830 - DME-Selftest: checksum
2831 - Synchronisation error TPU
283A – Oil quality sensor
283B – Oil quality sensor
283F - Oil pressure switch : signal not plausible
2882 – Fuel system
2883 – Fuel system
2892 - Recognistion missing : fuel level to low
2893 - Internal temperature sensor Control UNIT
2895 - Krankshaft sensor : signal not plausible
2896 - Camshaft sensor : input signal not plausible
2897 - Camshaft sensor : output signal not plausible
2898 - Lambda probe after KAT cylinderbank 1: signal not plausible
2899 - Lambda probe after KAT cylinderbank 2: signal not plausible
289A - Lambda probeheating before KAT cylinderbank 1: OBD2
289B - Lambda probeheating before KAT cylinderbank 2: OBD2
289C - Lambda probeheating after KAT cylinderbank 1: OBD2
289D - Lambda probeheating after KAT cylinderbank 2: OBD2
289E - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 1: signal after roll switch off
289F - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 2: signal after roll switch off
28A1 - Automatisc vehicle speed regulation : signal not plausible
28A2 - Air flow sensor : signal not plausible
28A3 - PT-CAN - MSR: signal comparisatoin
28A4 - Toerental: signal not plausible
28A5 - Throttle valve position sesnor : signal ratio
28A6 - Throttle valve position sesnor : signal ratio
28AA - Idle speed control
28AB - Idle speed control
28AC - wrijving torque controle
28AD - Real torque controle
28AE - Torque limitation : controle
28AF - Clutsh : max. torque
28B0 - Clutsh : max. torque
28B1 - RPM limitation : controle
28B2 - RPM limitation : controle
28B3 - Throttle valve : continius adaptation
28B4 - DSC control button
28B5 - Resonantion valve: signal
28B6 - Input camshaft cylinderbank 1: moeilijk gangbaar
28B8 - Output camshaft cylinderbank 1: moeilijk gangbaar
28BA - Input camshaft cylinderbank 1: mecanical
28BC - Uitlaatnokkenas cylinderbank 1: mechanisch
28BE - Camshaft sensor : parking possition
28BF - Stikstofoxide sensor 1
28C0 - Stikstofoxide sensor 2
28C1 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 1: signal during roll swich off
28C2 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 2: signal during roll swich off
28CA - Ozon conversion : to low
28CB - Ozon sensor 2
28CC - Ozon sensor 1
28CD - Fuel tank pump : RPM to low
28CE - Fuel tank pump : RPM to high
28CF - Fuel tank pump : emmergency switch off
28D0 - Fuel tank pump : temperature to high
28D1 - Fuel tank pump : emmergency
28DD - Throttle valve adjustment - HFM sensor
28DE - Throttle valve adjustment - HFM sensor
28DF - Throttle valve adjustment - HFM sensor
28E6 - Lambda probes before KAT cylinderbank 1: internal values messurment
28E7 - Lambda probes before KAT cylinderbank 2: internal values messurment
28E8 - Lambda probes cylinderbank 1: adjust regulation
28E9 - Lambda probes cylinderbank 2: adjust regulation
28EA - Lambda probe after KAT cylinderbank 1: signal afer roll swich off
28EB - Lambda probe after KAT cylinderbank 2: signal afer roll swich off
28EC - Lambda probe after KAT cylinderbank 1: signal at full throttle
28ED - Lambda probe after KAT cylinderbank 2: signal at full throttle
28EE - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 1: system check
28EF - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 2: system check
28F0 - Lambda probe after KAT cylinderbank 1: system check
28F1 - Lambda probe after KAT cylinderbank 2: system check
28F2 - Lambda probes cylinderbank 1: status adjust regulation
28F3 - Lambda probes cylinderbank 2: status adjust regulation
28F4 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 1: test with external traction
28F5 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 2: test with external traction
28F6 - Lambda probe after KAT cylinderbank 1: test with external traction
28F7 - Lambda probe after KAT cylinderbank 2: test with external traction
28F9 - Ongelijkvormigheid: segment time messurment
28FA - Engine torque at swich moment : signal not plausible
28FB - ACC: turnable
28FC - ACC: not turnable
28FF - DME-selftest
2900 - DME-selftest
2947 - CAN-communicatie: ACC torque request
2948 - CAN-communication: ARS
2949 - CAN-communicatie: CAS
294A - CAN-communication: DSC torque request
294B - CAN-communication: DSC vehicle speed
294C - CAN-communication: DSC status
294D - CAN-communication: EGS torque request
294E - CAN-communication: transmission data
294F - CAN-communication: SMG torque request
2950 - CAN-communication: airco
2951 - CAN-communication: instrument cluster temperature.
2952 - CAN-communication: instrument cluster milage
2953 - CAN-communication: status instrument cluster
2954 - CAN-communication: Power module voltage
2955 - CAN-communication: Power module load voltage
2956 - CAN-communication: vehicle speed regulation schakelcentrum stuurkolom
2957 - CAN-communication: steering angle schakelcentrum stuurkolom
2958 - CAN-communication: sport button
295E - Lambda probes cylinderbank 1: signal not plausible
295F - Lambda probes cylinderbank 2: signal not plausible
2960 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 1
2961 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 2
2962 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 1: dynamic
2963 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 2: dynamic
2964 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 1: temperature keramisch element
2965 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 2: temperature keramisch element
2966 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 1: signal monitoring
2967 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 2: signal monitoring
2968 - Lambda probes cylinderbank 1: signal not plausible due to wrong start
2969 - Lambda probes cylinderbank 2: signal not plausible due to wrong start
296A - Lambda probes before KAT: switched
296B - Lambda probes after KAT: switched
2973 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 1: interuption
2974 - Lambda probe before KAT cylinderbank 2: interuption