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Старый 01.09.2013, 23:12 #1
Аватар для Tyler
Регистрация: 07.09.2008
Сообщений: 10,943
Сказал спасибо: 1,547
Поблагодарили 10,586 раз(а) в 1,957 сообщениях
Откуда: Москва
Авто: BMW e39 528
Есть клубные рамки

По умолчанию черные ноздри (решетка) - установка

Черные матовые ноздри (решетка радиатора) BMW F30 - фото и инструкция по установке:

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Установка черных ноздрей (решетки) BMW F30:

T20 Torx
T30 Torx
small flat head or pick tool

1. Снимите уплотнитель


3. Открутите 8 болтов: 6 штук T30 torx и 2 штуки T20 torx.

4. Потяните бампер прямо на себя (не вверх).

5. The bumper cover is flexible to a reasonable extent, allowing for a hand or tool too fit behind the grills. Moving away from the center of the bumper allows for more flex, anyone with big hands would probably find it easiest to start on the outside and work inward.

6. Now using the flat head or pick tool press the release tabs on the grill while gently pulling on the grill from the outside, there are 3 clips on both the top and bottom of the grill as well as 1 clip on each side.

Note: the bottom clips are going to require using your hand rather than the screw-driver because they face the ground.

7. Once the first grill is free of the bumper you can easily access the other grill... Don't be impatient and pop a new grill in before having both sides removed, it makes more work for yourself.

8. Now just gently push the new grills into place, run your hand around the gloss black trim piece to ensure all the clips are secured

*use a microfiber cloth if you don't want fingerprints*

9. After the new grills are in place, line the metal clips up with the bumper cover, and then slide it back into place.

10. Once in place replace all 8 screws and prior to tightening them ensure that the bumper cover is even, I did this by comparing two of the outermost points.

I also repeated this procedure on the rubber seal using the outermost T30 screws as reference points, its not necessary but always helps to keep the car looking it's best.

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