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Старый 11.06.2018, 09:02 #1
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По умолчанию BMW F30 PAL reverse camera and CAN bus


I have BMW F20/30 video interface installed in my F30 on a 6.5" Idrive screen. I also have Cs9200 navigation. All is running ok, but I have 2 issues. 1. I have CAN bus connected. The menu button on the Idrive controller activates the video interface, and I can use steering wheel button to select nav, av1, av2 ect. But the reverse camera will not automatically show when I go into reverse. I have can selected in the menu. If I use the reverse lamp, and have lamp selected in the menu, it works ok, but sometimes does not activate, even thought the reverse lamp is on and 12v + connected to lamp connection. 2. The reverse camera I have is Pal format. The picture displays, but when I select split screen mode via the steering wheel the image becomes unstable. If I test with a NTSC source from the cs9200, there is no problem. I also tried to select the 8.8" monitor mode, and it seemed ok. So for 6.5" monitor you need NTSC camera.

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the internet.

Video production quote


Последний раз редактировалось johntimber; 11.06.2018 в 09:35.
johntimber вне форума  

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