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Старый 23.06.2009, 16:47 #6
Аватар для Tyler
Регистрация: 07.09.2008
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Откуда: Москва
Авто: BMW e39 528
Есть клубные рамки

По умолчанию

Точно утверждать не могу, но на одном американскм форуме на тему расположения реле бензонасоса на BMW X5 3.0D написано следующее:
The relay is located behind the glovebox. You have to first remove the whole glovebox and then undo a couple of screws to drop the relay/fusebox down. This might sound daunting but believe me it's really easy and straightforward to do.
There are then two identical pale green relays on the fusebox, swap these around and see if the car starts.
If it does then buy a new relay, if it doesn't then you may be looking at a new electric pump. The pump is the car beneath the passenger seat. You have to remove a fairly large undertray to get to it.

Поэтому я, скорее, согласен с Владимиром.
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Сказал Спасибо Tyler за это сообщение:
олег80 (24.06.2009)