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Banned Регистрация: 24.02.2010
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Откуда: Орел | ![]() не спорю, возможно, экспериментировали на 520й 39ке 99го года - там приборка стояла от какой то 530й, несколько минут - и закодировали правильно, и вин записали, точка соответственно на приборке рядом с "км" погасла пробег правильный записать не получилось, ибо чип 35080 вообще он должен работать на авто до 2004г, как на самом деле - фиг знает |
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![]() | #1993 |
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Откуда: москва | ![]()
Доброго дня. Хочу на E53 сделать "проводи домой" ближним светом. Вот кусок файла FSW_PSW HEIMLEUCHTEN wert_02 HEIMLEUCHTEN_AL aktiv HEIMLEUCHTEN_BL nicht_aktiv HEIMLEUCHTEN_FL nicht_aktiv HEIMLEUCHTEN_KL58G aktiv HEIMLEUCHTEN_KZL aktiv HEIMLEUCHTEN_NSW nicht_aktiv HEIMLEUCHTEN_SL_H aktiv HEIMLEUCHTEN_SL_V aktiv Что надо менять? Что такое wert 02? Заранее спасибо. |
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![]() | #1995 |
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Откуда: Москва Авто: BMW e39 528 Есть клубные рамки | ![]() Друзья, 200 страниц в теме - это перебор ![]() Давайте с этого момента действовать так: 1. Если у Вас есть какой-либо вопрос, касающийся диагностики, кодирования, программирования, то сначала воспользуйтесь поиском: 2. Если поиск не помог и вопрос остался, можете смело создавать свою тему, задав Ваш вопрос – тут: Желающие могут создать тему INPA (NCS Expert)- кодирование- продолжение и общаться на тему кодирования в ней.Соответственно, если Вас интересуют вопросы программирования или диагностики, создавайте соответствующие темы, не нужно валить всё в одну кучу.
__________________ ![]() Чат по кодированию, программированию, дооснащению BMW в Telegram: BMW INPA | BMW ICOM | BMW Scanner | Ключи BMW | BMW CAN filter (cic retrofit adapter) | Отключение BMW EGR / DPF | Ноутбуки для диагностики Сканеры для диагностики BMW Инструкции, мануалы к БМВ бесплатно BMW & MINI: TIS, ЕТК, ЕТМ, KSD, WDS, DIS, EBA и другие полезные программы |
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![]() | #1998 | |
Новичок Регистрация: 18.10.2010
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Откуда: msk | ![]() Цитата:
выпуск 2007 г параметры mulf2 BT_UFN wert_01 EMERGENCY_NUMBER wert_01 SPRACHE englisch koreanisch china_trad russisch SYNCML nicht_aktiv AUDIO_SETUP_1 wert_01 AUDIO_SETUP_2 wert_01 DPD wert_01 TEL_BUCH_ASYNC_CONTROL most_async_channel UNICODE nicht_aktiv DUN_EIN_AUS nicht_aktiv SORTING_VARIANT_2MULF standard TWO_MICROPHONES_ULF2 wert_01 PHONE_TYPE_JAPAN nicht_aktiv MIC2MOST nicht_aktiv RESPONSE_ON_HOLD nicht_aktiv RING_TONE wert_01 BT_OBJECT_PUSH nicht_aktiv BT_BEDIENHOERER_C12 nicht_aktiv CONTACT_LIST_C12 nicht_aktiv DISABLE_NOKIA_WA nicht_aktiv INCOMING_CALL_LIST_C12 nicht_aktiv MULTI_PARTY_CALL_C12 nicht_aktiv SMS_EIN_AUS_C12 nicht_aktiv SVS_EIN_AUS_3 nicht_aktiv PHONEBOOK_NAME_DISPL_ORD last_first | |
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![]() | #1999 |
Новичок Регистрация: 18.10.2010
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Откуда: msk | ![]()
дочитал все 200 стр. И остался практически только один вопрос. Откуда gunhed столько знает?) Впечатлил ответ болгарину, про лампу чек енджи P.S. Кстати, вначале тут как то был вопрос, можно ли в файл МАН писать только изменяемые параметры. Можно, на е60 прокатывет. ну и для особо ленивых что либо искать M-Sport M-Sport meal including HUD display] In the iDrive can be selected after changing all 3 values below the additional option M-HUD under the HUD settings. Control unit: Cappl MDrive nicht_aktiv -> active HUD_M nicht_aktiv -> active Control unit: HUD M_SPORT_HUD nicht_aktiv -> active nicht_aktiv -> aktiv_handschalter [Turn indicator in the HUD] Control unit: HUD BLINKER_AUSSTATTUNG nicht_aktiv -> active [Reel speed or tachometer option in the onboard computer] Digital speedometer in the vehicle computer. Control unit: COMBINATION BC_DIGITAL_V nicht_aktiv -> active BC_DIGITAL_V_KORREKTUR active / nicht_aktiv [Permanent instrumentation lighting] The speedometer light despite the lights always on first ignition Control unit: COMBINATION M_TAG_SKALENBELEUCHTUNG nicht_aktiv -> active [Blank line in the paste-board computer] Control unit: COMBINATION BC_LEERZEILE nicht_aktiv -> active [Speed settings for climate control display] The current fan speed is displayed even in the automatic operation of the air conditioning. Control unit: IHKA GEBL_ANZEIGE_AUTO nicht_aktiv -> active [No automatic. Compressor] with climate control When you press the automatic button will no longer switch automatically sets the air conditioning. Control unit: IHKA ABWAHL_AC nicht_aktiv -> active [Spiegelanklappen on the remote key] Connect with the comfort = longer pressing the Connect button on the remote control. Control unit: KGM or TMBT and TMFT BEIKLAPPEN_B_KOMFORTSCHL nicht_aktiv -> active [Roof rain Close] with rain sensor is activated. Control unit: SHD or HSDH RAIN CLOSE nicht_aktiv -> active If with respect to the coding, an error message comes the pinch: - Ignition on - Ensure that the sunroof is closed - Press the key to lifting / tilting the sunroof and hold (approx. 1 minute) until all settings have been hit once and the sunroof is closed. [Comfort tailgate open and close] Komfort-Öffnen/Schließen = longer pressing the open or close button on the remote. Control unit: HKL KOMFORT_OEFFNEN_HKL nicht_aktiv -> active KOMFORT_SCHLIESSEN_HKL nicht_aktiv -> active Tailgate by pressing only once on the key itself include: FUNKTION_FBD_SCHLIESSEN_2 nicht_aktiv -> active Tailgate to close the switch in the foot: FUNKTION_TOEHKI nicht_aktiv -> active [TV / Video while driving activation] Control unit: Cappl VIDEO_DENY_C0B deny_slow_key -> deny_never [Entry aid steering wheel height adjustment de-/activate] Control unit: tractor EINSTIEGSHILFE_HOEHE active -> nicht_aktiv [Steering wheel button function "next entertainment source" Add] Control unit: Cappl (from the first software release CCC_APP.C0A) NEXT_SOURCE nicht_aktiv -> active AM Tuner skip: AMBANDS active -> nicht_aktiv [IDrive options for acoustic locking and unlocking Add (with DWA)] Control unit: Cappl or MASK ACOUSTIC nicht_aktiv -> active C941C_QUITT_AKUST_KLAPPE fkt_gesperrt -> fkt_frei K9416_QUITT_AKUST_ENTSCH fkt_gesperrt -> fkt_frei C9413_QUITT_AKUST_SCHAERF fkt_gesperrt -> fkt_frei [Change the alarm sound of the beeping of the DWA to howl] Control unit: DWAS ALARM TYPE U.S. [Advanced maneuvering in the iDrive menu] for example, a rear-view camera is connected via LVDS. Control unit: Cappl RVC nicht_aktiv -> active RVC_CONNECTED_TO_VM nicht_aktiv / active RVC_DISPLAY_OPTIONS main_or_fullscreen / only_fullscreen only_mainwindow / [Seat climate menu in the iDrive] Control unit: Cappl VA_AIRVENT_SHORTCUT nicht_aktiv -> active VA_SEATCLIMA_SHORTCUT nicht_aktiv -> active VA_SEATHEAT_SLIDER nicht_aktiv -> active VA_SEATVENTILATION nicht_aktiv -> active SITZHEIZUNG_APP_9 nicht_aktiv -> active [SMS display in the iDrive] Control unit: Cappl SMS nicht_aktiv -> active [Notepad complement in the iDrive menu, phone] Control unit: Cappl NOTEPAD nicht_aktiv -> active [Comfort Open (2 times to open the remote control) to the driver's window semi] Control unit: Cappl K931D_SCHEIBENABSENKUNG par_gesperrt -> par_frei [Light sensor sensitivity settings menu in the iDrive] Control unit: Cappl RAIN_LIGHT_SENSOR nicht_aktiv -> active C750A_SCHWELLWERT_EMPFIN par_gesperrt -> par_frei C750A_SCHWELLWERT_NORMAL par_gesperrt -> par_frei C750A_SCHWELLWERT_SEHR_E par_gesperrt -> par_frei and vehicle application by: FLCN + = normal threshold + FLCS = threshold very sensitive [Light sensor sensitivity setting] Control unit: RLS FLC_SCHWELLWERT_SATZ wert_01] wert_04] = sensitive wert_02 = normal wert_03 = very sensitive [Daytime running lights non LCI] VFL headlights with LM1: Control unit: LMA DRL_V_GEDIMMT nicht_aktiv -> wert_01 = Indicator -> wert_02 = beam DRL_WERT_DIMMUNG wert_01 = 26% -> wert_02 = 40% Daytime running lights on the main (only LM2): VERHALTEN_DRL_TFL_33 drl_tfl_off -> drl_h -> drl_s -> drl_l -> tfl_s U.S. daytime running across the beam (only halogen beam and LM2): VERHALTEN_DRL_TFL_33 drl_h PWM_FL_FKT_DRL_33 wert_01 to wert_03 = Dimmungswert [U.S. indicators with side turn indicators on parking lights or headlights] Control unit: LMA DRL_TFL_BLK_V_GED nicht_aktiv -> active PWM_SIDEMARKER_BLK_V wert_01 = off wert_02 = light wert_03 = dark [Side marker lights with daytime running lights activated (only LCI)] Control unit: LMA SL_V_MIT_TFL active [As cornering fog lamps with LM2] ! Works! Jakober not loud! Request for feedback Control unit: LMA PWM_FL_NSW_FKT_ABBLIEGELI wert_01 -> wert_02 [Cold and hot control of the lamps] Control unit: LMA KALTUEBERWACHUNG_ KALTUEBERW_ WARMUEBERWACHUNG_ WARMUEBERW_ FEHLERMELDUNG_CC_ RFS_R, RFS_L = Reverse Light FL_R, FL_L = beam AL_R, AL_L = cornering SL_V_R, SL_V_L = parking light NSW_R, NSW_L = fog BLK_V_R, BLK_V_L = flashing front BLK_H_R, BLK_H_L = flashing back BL_M_1 = 3 Brake light KZL_R, KZL_L = plate light NSL_R, NSL_L = rear fog lamp TFL_R, TFL_L = Daylight SML = Side marker lamps BL_R, BL_R = brake light RL_BL_1_R, RL_BL_1_L = tail light brake light 1 RL_BL_2_R, RL_BL_2_L = tail light brake light 2 [Welcome Light] Only works with light module 2 (LM2 all LCI or all VFL 09/2006 have with xenon and adaptive headlights) and the light switch in automatic position + position 1 Control unit: LMA WELCOME_LIGHT_ACTIVE nicht_aktiv -> active WL_AL = low beam nicht_aktiv / hart_einschalten WL_BL = brake light nicht_aktiv soft_einschalten / / hart_einschalten WL_BLK_H = Left Rear nicht_aktiv soft_einschalten / / hart_einschalten WL_BLK_V = front indicator nicht_aktiv soft_einschalten / / hart_einschalten WL_FL = beam nicht_aktiv soft_einschalten / / hart_einschalten WL_KZL = plate light nicht_aktiv soft_einschalten / / hart_einschalten WL_NSL = rear fog lamp nicht_aktiv soft_einschalten / / hart_einschalten WL_NSW = fog nicht_aktiv soft_einschalten / / hart_einschalten WL_POL = position or the front parking light nicht_aktiv soft_einschalten / / hart_einschalten WL_SL_1 = closing or parking light rear 1 nicht_aktiv soft_einschalten / / hart_einschalten WL_SL_2 = closing or parking lights, rear 2 nicht_aktiv soft_einschalten / / hart_einschalten WL_SM = Eyebrow nicht_aktiv soft_einschalten / / hart_einschalten [Coming Home Light only VFL] After switching off the engine and operate the ignition, the flashing briefly. Control unit: LMA HEIMLEUCHTEN_ [Eyebrow / off] Control unit: LMA SIDEMARKER_US active -> nicht_aktiv [Flash light with bi-xenon] Control unit: LMA BI_XENON_BEI_LH nicht_aktiv -> active [Interior of brake lights during normal braking (only VFL Taillights)] Control unit: LMA RL_BL_1_BREMSL_FKT nicht_aktiv -> active [Beam with the Xenon headlights and not also on the high beam-H7 (only VFL)] Light switch to automatic: Control unit: LMA FL_AUS_BEI_BIX_IN_S_FLC active Light switches in all positions: Control unit: LMA PWM_ANST_FL_BIXENON wert_03 [Beam and fog lamps are not simultaneously] Control unit: LMA FL_UND_NSW_NICHT_GLEICHZ nicht_aktiv -> active [Flashing adaptive brake lights (Break Force Display)] In an emergency stop flashing the lights. Control unit: LMA BFD_1_RL_BL_ERSCH_BILD = brake light wert_03 = flashing BFD_1_BL_M_ERSCH_BILD = 3 Brake light wert_03 = flashing BFD_1_RL_BL_1_ERSCH_BILD = brake light 1 wert_03 = flashing BFD_1_RL_BL_2_ERSCH_BILD = brake light 2 wert_03 = flashing BFD_1_NSL_ERSCH_BILD = rear fog lamp wert_03 = flashing [Warning light on de-/ activate] Control unit: LMA LICHT_AN_WARNUNG nicht_aktiv -> active [Zündschlüsselwarnung de / activate] Control unit: COMBINATION CC_ZUENDSCHLUESSEL active -> nicht_aktiv [Acoustic seat belt warning disable] Note: The effect on the release behavior of the air bag is unknown. Control unit: ABG SBR_BEIFAHRER_ACSM active -> nicht_aktiv SBR_FAHRER_ACSM active -> nicht_aktiv or a vehicle, contracting with the value: + OI11 for the driver + OI12 for the passenger and to 03/2004: Control unit: COMBINATION SBR_BEIFAHRER nicht_aktiv SBR_FAHRER nicht_aktiv from 03/2004: Control unit: SGM SBR_BEIFAHRER_SGM nicht_aktiv SBR_FAHRER_SGM nicht_aktiv 09/2005: Control unit: ACSM SBR_BEIFAHRER_ACSM nicht_aktiv SBR_FAHRER_ACSM nicht_aktiv [Passenger seat occupancy sensor mat disable] Note: The effect on the release behavior of the air bag is unknown. Control unit: SBSR SBE1_SBSR nicht_aktiv or Control unit: ABG SBE1_ACSM nicht_aktiv [Home Comfort] The ignition key must be touched only briefly to the ignition to start the car. Control unit: CAS HOME COMFORT nicht_aktiv / active [PDC volume change] Control unit: PDC LAUTSTAERKE_HINTEN e65, e60, RR1, e70, wert_02 to wert_07 LAUTSTAERKE_VORN e65, e60, RR1, e70 [Engine start only when the brake pedal depressed, de-/ activate] Control unit: CAS ANLASSSPERRE_BLS active / nicht_aktiv [MP3 functionality upgrade] KMP3 in the FA-supplemented Control unit: Cappl MP3_CCC full [IPod interface retrofit] IPOD in the FA supplement Control unit: Cappl MP3_CCC external or full CDC active [AUX-IN interface upgrade] NAUX in the FA-supplemented Control unit: Cappl AUX_CONFIG mounted INPUT_SCALING_SUB2 wert_02 |
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BMW Inpa/Ediabas | Tyler | Диагностика BMW | кодирование | программирование | 3216 | 02.03.2025 12:43 |
INPA (NCS Expert) - кодирование - часть 2 | Tyler | Диагностика BMW | кодирование | программирование | 5998 | 27.02.2025 11:33 |
Просветите чайника по INPA | ///Man | Диагностика BMW | кодирование | программирование | 16 | 28.12.2014 02:09 |
Inpa ncs expert x5 e70 | Artem777157 | Диагностика BMW | кодирование | программирование | 10 | 13.11.2013 23:36 |