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Следовать мероприятию PuMA 44286093

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Старый 10.04.2014, 08:55 #1
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По умолчанию Следовать мероприятию PuMA 44286093

Сабж.Если кто знает поделитесь,пожалуйста,что в документе.

Последний раз редактировалось vbs; 10.04.2014 в 08:57.
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Старый 10.04.2014, 11:33 #2
Регистрация: 23.01.2012
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Авто: VW Golf

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Сабж.Если кто знает поделитесь,пожалуйста,что в документе.
Measure no.
N43, N45, N46, N45T, N46T, oil leaking from the oil level sensor (TOENS) on the oil sump
Release date (mm/dd/yy)


V4-R1, CAR
Vehicles affected
E series
E81 E82 E84 E85 E87
E88 E90 E91 E92 E93

N42 N43 N45 N45T N46


Production period (from/to) (mm/dd/yy)

Comment on production period

Feedback (all cases relating to measure up to) (mm/dd/yy)

Oil leaking from the oil level sensor on the oil sump.
On the sheet metal oil sumps of the engines listed above, oils leaks may occur on the screw connection of the oil level sensor. The cause of this oil leak is difficult to identify in the vehicle.
The oil leak occurs on the connection between the threaded bolt for the oil level sensor and the oil sump: engine oil slowly seeps through the rivet-like connection.
(See attachment, page 1, picture 1.)
Replacing the oil level sensor or the oil sump does not provide a solution.

In the event of a customer complaint, proceed as follows:

1. Drain the engine oil and remove the oil level sensor.

2. Starting from the outside, thoroughly clean the oil sump in the area of the oil level sensor.
The surfaces and threaded bolts must be free from oil and grease.
No oil must leak out of the hole for the oil level sensor.
Wash out all oil residue from the connection point between the threaded bolt and the oil sump (use brake cleaner or something similar).
Then allow it to dry completely.
(See attachment, page 1, picture 2.)

3. Remove the seal from the oil level sensor that has been removed.
Thoroughly clean the oil level sensor.
In particular, the groove for the seal and the contact surface of the screw connection must be clean.
(See attachment, page 2, picture 3.)
Then allow it to dry completely.
Insert a new sealing ring. Part number 12 61 1 744 292.

4. Seal the oil level sensor with silicone as follows:

Note: Only use Loctite Black Silicone 5970. Part number 83 19 0 404 517.
Other silicone types do not provide a solution.

a) Apply a silicone ring (approx. 2 mm thick) around the connection points between the threaded bolt and the oil sump.
Then use your finger to press on it so that the silicone is also pushed into the rivet gap
(See attachment, page 2, picture 4 and page 3, picture 5).

b) Apply a second silicone ring around the threaded bolt.
However, do not apply pressure on this silicone ring. See attachment, page 3, picture 6)

NB: There must not be any silicone at the edge of the hole for the oil level sensor. This is to ensure that no silicone is pushed into the oil sump when the oil level sensor is fitted.

c) Carefully wipe off the silicone at the edge of the hole for the oil level sensor.

d) Then refit the oil level sensor immediately.
(See attachment, page 3, picture 7.)

NB: The silicone must not have hardened! Only fresh silicone can adapt to the oil level sensor and the profile seal.

5. Pour in the engine oil.

NB: After repair, allow the vehicle to stand idle for a few hours to ensure that no hot, fluid oil seeps into the silicone while it still soft. (Moving the vehicle to another location is permissible.)

Note: Reimbursement is not permitted for oil level sensors found to be leaking, and will be rejected.
ANDRIKSSON вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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vbs (10.04.2014)


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